Alaska book your hunt Guide

WHAT TO HUNT AND WHERE: Alaska is a hunter’s paradise. Hunting here can provide the full scope of experiences- from caribou to deer and moose, from grizzly and brown bears to wolves, from Dall sheep and mountain goats to muskox, from waterfowl to ptarmigan and several grouse species. Diverse Alaska geographic areas offer adventure for everyone, give us various choices:

Interior Alaska. From mountains and rolling hills, river valleys covered with forests to the vast spaces of treeless tundra at higher altitudes and in the far north. Temperaure varies greatly throughout the year, from -50 Celsius (-58 Fahrenheit) in the winter months to +30 Celsius (+86 Fahrenheit) during book your hunt summers. There are just a few highways in the interior part of Alaska. Most of the area can only be reached by plane, boat or by foot. Summer is warm but short. Climate and landscape conditions provide variety of big game: moose and cariboo, Dall sheep in the mountains, some wild bison, muskox in the arctic Alaska, wolves, black and grizzly bears, waterfowl, some grouse and ptarmigan.

Southeast (the narrow and long part between the Pacific ocean and Canada). Consists of mainland and many treed mountainous islands along the coast. The main hunting trophies here are brown and black bears, moose and mountain goats, black-tailed deer and wolves . Guided hunting is done mostly book your hunt by boat, the most popular hunting spots are on the islands in the central part of the area.

South and Southwest (to the south and west of the Yukon river). Mountainous inland with many rivers and lakes, ragged coastal line dotted with numerous islands. The region offers book your hunt a wide variety of game: deer, Dall sheep, caribou, moose, wolves, wolverine, brown and black bear, waterfowl, grouse species.


If you hunt in a general season, which is open to an unlimited number of hunters, you will need a harvest ticket. Harvest tickets are available at no cost where hunting licenses are sold. Non-residents are required to have a big game tag for the species they are hunting. Some remote rural areas may not have licenses available or the vendor may run out of harvest tickets. Be sure to purchase your license, game tags, and pick up harvest tickets before you leave home or a population center. When a population of animals is too small and/or the potential number of hunters too large to allow a general season or a registration hunt, the Department may offer drawing permits. A Drawing book your hunt Permit Hunt Supplement is published every May. The drawing for permit hunts is held in early summer, and everyone who applies will be notified of the results by mail or can locate the results on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s website. The Supplement contains all of the drawing hunts by number for all big game species. Most of the drawing permit hunts are open to both resident and nonresident hunters. A hunter may apply for three drawing permit hunts for each species. A fee is charged for each separate hunt. You can pick up a Supplement at any Fish and Game office, on the website, or at license vendors.